Saturday, May 12, 2007

More weeding and Thinning...

Here's a photo of some lovely bush flower out by the gravel entrance/parking area of the community garden.

It was a beautiful day, and I had bought some pepper plants that needed to be transplanted to our garden. There are two banana peppers and one Caribbean hot pepper (the picture on the tags really looked like scotch bonnet peppers, we shall see). I've got them slotted in between the bean poles, to make use of every nook and cranny we have left.

We sowed the zucchini seeds today as well. They had to be sowed into dirt mounds that were 2 foot apart. We planted for 6 plants, which we are hoping that 4 will take strong hold - this will provide plenty of zucchinis for us.

We also transplanted 4 tomoto plants at 3.5 weeks old to see if they will take hold. The seeds were incredibaly profuse in germinating, and of the 48 seeds sowed indoors, about 45 grew! So needless to say, we have A LOT of tomotoe plants. We'll be giving some away to friends with veggie gardens too. Our tomato plant is the Tiny Tim cherry tomato variety.

Jason giving the plants and flowers a good soaking with our newly purchased water sprayer head... sure makes it easier than trying to use our fingers or thumb to create some sort of assymetrical mist.

Today we also had to thin out the Swiss chard plantlings to 4-6" apart. It felt odd to pull out healthy looking seedlings, but it had to be done, otherwise they will fight for nutrients and space, and we wouldn't get very large vegetables in the end.

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