Sunday, May 6, 2007

Weeding in the rain

It was a drizzly and wet day today. We weren't sure if we had waned to stay, but since we were there and the plots really need some weeding, we did stay for about 2 hours. By the end of that, we were ready for a nice hot shower to warm ourselves up.

Some of the seedlings were hard to distinguish from the weedlings. Plants that did sprout up by this point: Carrots, Dill, Kale, Beets, Swiss Chard (green and Ruby variaties) and radishes.

Radish seedlings in the foreground.

Swiss Chards with their baby leaves. As you can see, the seeds get planted close to buffer the possibility of failed seeds.

This is a baby Radish plant. The seeds were only planted 6 days before this photo. In two weeks we should be able to see the radish bulb itself, and a week after that, harvest time!!

Our green poles with freshly planted pole beans. We've planted green beans and yellow wax beans. Can't wait to see these grow up the poles!

Green and Ruby Swiss Chards, and Marigolds to help keep insects at bay. Unfortunately, it seems that slugs like to eat Marigolds, and in this area of the garden, as we are right by the waterway, there are way too many slugs! At least the slugs are eating the flowers :) and not the seedlings.

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